Easter Fun with Grandkids

A few of my favorites!

(easy) Easter Activities for Grandparents to do with kids.

 When you dye Easter eggs, leave one white!

Talk about how this one represents Jesus who is pure and holy (perfect in every way).  Also, the “Pure Egg” can remind us that when Jesus died and shed His blood, our sins were washed away making us “pure” and “white as snow.”

little girl during Easter eggs'' coloration

Good Friday Kitchen Island Devotion

On Good Friday, sit down with your grandkids serving them pretzels (the circular ones) and grape juice (real Welch’s grape juice is my choice).  Have some quiet music on and talk in soft voices.  Tell the story of “Good Friday”  —  how this is the day that Jesus died.  We are all very sad….    Legend has it that there was once a baker who wanted to make something to remind the people in his village of Jesus.  So, he baked unleavened bread, shaped it like “arms crossing (over your chest)” as a sign of praying/talking to Jesus.  This is symbolic of the bread Jesus served his beloved disciples.  It reminds us that His body was “broken” for us.  The grape juice is a reminder of the wine that Jesus served His disciples.  It reminds us that his blood was shed for our sins.

Washing Feet

Put a large bath/beach towel around your waist and wash the (precious) feet of your grandkids (and grown kids?).  As you wash each person’s feet, quietly pray over that child.  As you finish, look up into your gchild’s eyes and tell them there are two things you want them to always remember:  a)  that you love them  — and always will!  b)  that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them  —  and always will.

Easter Baking – HE IS RISEN!

On Easter Saturday,  when my children were growing up, I loved baking with them.  Today I continue that tradition by baking with my grandkids.  One thing we bake on the Saturday before Easter Sunday is “Resurrection Rolls.”  We take Crescent Rolls and unroll/separate them into triangles.  Put one large marshmallow in the center of the triangle.  Wrap the dough of the crescent roll around the marshmallow crimping the seams.  Brush melted butter over the roll and sprinkle cinnamon sugar over the top.  Place rolls on foiled cookie sheets.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10 – 12 minutes.  Cover and serve as part of your Easter Morning breakfast.  As you break open the roll, notice the “empty space” inside the roll!  This is to remind us that the tomb is EMPTY!  Jesus has risen!

Give God a HAND! – The Lily is an ancient symbol or Christ. Follow these simple steps to make these from your grandchild’s hand.

paper lily

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